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In order to expand international exchange and cooperation and implement internationalization of the campus, the University sets up the Office of International Exchange Affairs in February 2018. The university upholds the principles of all-parties participation by teachers, students, and administration, and promotes all aspects of international exchange and cooperation in hope of broadening the international horizons of teachers and students, as well as enhancing the university's international image and visibility.

▋Organizations & Responsibilities

At the present, the Office has one chief, of international affairs, and two administrative staff.

According to the business plan, the Office has two divisions, i. e., international exchange, and international service. The International Exchange Division is responsible for the cooperation between Shih Hsin University and foreign universities, to deal with exchange and visit affairs with foreign sister schools, to host foreign guests, to handle school-wide international activities, and other matters related to international exchange. The International Service Division is responsible for providing counseling and services for foreign students, dealing with admission, enrollment, and scholarships for foreign students, establishing international alumni databases, as well as helping with SHU students applying for international exchange programmes.

❖Center of International Affairs


  • Secretary to the Chairman of Juang Jing Vocational High School , Head of the Teaching Team, Guidance Counselor, English Teacher
  • Chief Image Consultant of the Miss  Globalcity  Organization
  • Deputy Head of the International Division of the Republic of China Equestrian Association
  • Consultant and Spokesperson for CHRISTEA

Director: Ingrid Teng

Telephone:+886-2-2236-8225 #63571

Assistant Professor, Department of Communications Management

Degree Earned: Doctor of Public Administration

Expertise:Administration & Marketing Management.Business Management.Customer Service

Research Clusters

  • 鄧婷婷 (2022)。領導風格對組織績效之影響:以私立高中職為例。博士論文,世新大學行政管理學系
  • 鄧婷婷、張國偉、葉一璋 (2022)。公共服務動機與情緒勞動對工作績效之影響。競爭力評論,(23),23-49
  • 鄧婷婷、張國偉、周成虎、周芸成 (2022)。韓非子的官僚課責智慧。中華行政學報,(30),45-60
  • 鄧婷婷 (2013)。故事行銷中同理心與涉入程度對消費決策之影響。碩士論文,亞洲大學經營管理學系
  • Chen,Y.H., X.Wang, S.C.Tsai and Ingrid Teng(2012).   Does Delighting Customers to Inspire Loyalty Moderated by Lodging Motivation?- A Case Study on Five-Star Hotels in Mid-Taiwan. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,41-45. Hong Kong.(EI Compendex)
Cindy Peng
Telephone:+886-2-2236-8225 #63572
Michelle Ai
Telephone:+886-2-2236-8225 #63573